Sunday 1 June 2008

Weekly Online Radio Audience Increases from 11 percent to 13 percent of Americans in Last Year, According to the Latest Arbitron/Edison Media Research Study

Radio's Digital Platforms show continued growth; Listening to AM/FM radio
also remains strong

NEW YORK, April 9 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The Infinite Dial 2008:
Radio's Digital Platforms, the latest study by Arbitron (NYSE: ARB) and
Edison Media Research, shows continued growth in usage and ownership of
various forms of digital audio platforms, including online radio, iPod/MP3
players, and podcasting.

Key findings from The Infinite Dial 2008: Radio's Digital Platforms,

The weekly online radio audience increased in the past year to an
estimated 33 million. Thirteen percent of the U.S. population age 12 and
older have listened to online radio in the past week; up from eleven
percent (approximately 29 million) in 2007. On a weekly basis, online radio
reaches more than one in seven 25- to 54-year olds (15%).

AM/FM radio continues to have a big impact on people's lives. The study
asked consumers to rate the impact different digital audio platforms has on
their lives. More than one in five (21 percent) consumers said radio has a
big impact on their lives; ranking second only to mobile phones (33
percent) as the audio platform/device that has the biggest impact on
people's lives.

iPod/Portable MP3 player ownership continues dramatic growth. Nearly
four in ten (37 percent) own an iPod or other brand of portable MP3 player;
up from 30 percent in 2007 and more than two and a half times the number in
2005 (14 percent). Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of those ages 12-17
own a digital audio player.

Audio podcasting usage continues to increase along side the
proliferation of iPod/MP3 player ownership. Eighteen percent have ever
listened to an audio podcast; up from 13 percent in 2007. Nine percent have
listened to an audio podcast in the past month (an estimated 23 million).

More than four in ten weekly online radio listeners have a profile on a
social networking Web site. Those who regularly listen to online radio are
much more likely to participate in social networks; 41 percent of weekly
online radio listeners report having an online social networking profile
(compared to 24 percent of the total 12+ population); more than one-third
(37%) visit social networking sites nearly once per day or more.

The Internet is gaining on radio as the medium to learn about new
music. In 2008, radio is mentioned as the medium "you turn to first to
learn about new music" by about half of consumers (49 percent), with
Internet at 25 percent. In 2002, radio was mentioned by nearly two-thirds
of consumers (63 percent) for this perception, while only nine percent
mentioned Internet.

"Traditional radio and Internet-only radio must realize that they are
now part of an even broader world of online information and entertainment
options and respond accordingly," said Pierre Bouvard, president, sales and
marketing, Arbitron Inc. "Advertisers who want to go where the trends are
pointing need to be more involved with the new forms of audio media as they
continue to expand."

"Users continue to prove that they want to consume radio on their
terms," said Tom Webster, vice president, Edison Media Research. "On-demand
media and a wealth of portable devices are creating listening occasions
that were previously either unavailable or under-utilized, which is
increasing the overall demand for audio content."

This study, as well as previous studies, may be downloaded free of
charge via the Arbitron and Edison Media Research Web sites at and

How the Study Was Conducted

A total of 1,857 people were interviewed to investigate Americans' use
of various forms of traditional, online and satellite media. From January
18 to February 15, 2008, telephone interviews were conducted with
respondents age 12 and older chosen at random from a national sample of
Arbitron's Fall 2007 survey diarykeepers. In certain geographic areas
(representing eight percent of the national population), a sample of
Arbitron diarykeepers was not available for the survey, and a supplemental
sample was interviewed through random digit dialing.

About Arbitron

Arbitron Inc. is a media and marketing research firm serving radio
broadcasters, cable companies, advertisers, advertising agencies and
outdoor advertising companies. Arbitron's core businesses are measuring
network and local market radio audiences across the United States;
surveying the retail, media and product patterns of local market consumers;
and providing application software used for analyzing media audience and
marketing information data. The Company has developed the Portable People
Meter, a new technology for media and marketing research.

Through its Scarborough Research joint venture with The Nielsen
Company, Arbitron also provides media and marketing research services to
the broadcast television, newspaper and online industries.

Arbitron's marketing and business units are supported by its research
and technology organization, located in Columbia, Maryland. Its executive
offices are located in New York City.

About Edison Media Research

Edison Media Research conducts survey research and provides strategic
information to radio stations, television stations, newspapers, cable
networks, record labels, Internet companies and other media organizations.
Edison Media Research is also the sole provider of election exit poll data
for the six major news organizations: ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and the
Associated Press. Edison Media Research works with many of the largest
American radio ownership groups, including Entercom, Citadel, CBS Radio,
Bonneville and Westwood One; and also conducts strategic and perceptual
research for a broad array of companies including Time Warner, Google,
Yahoo!, Sony Music, Princeton University, Northwestern University,
Universal Music Group, Time Life Music and the Voice of America. Edison
Media Research has a fourteen year history of thought-leadership in the
radio industry, and has provided services to successful radio stations in
South America, Africa, Asia, Canada and Europe.

All of Edison Media Research's industry studies can be found on the
company's Web site at and can be downloaded free of

PPM(TM) and Portable People Meter(TM) are marks of Arbitron Inc.

Contact: Jessica Benbow
Arbitron Inc.